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[英文] 英文经典诗歌赏析:The Painted Ceiling [複製鏈接]

英文经典诗歌赏析:The Painted Ceiling
# I4 k# o0 ?+ J1 a
" v! k$ q+ @9 y$ Q; S9 e6 N/ J4 x  My Grandpapa lives in a wonderful house
# C7 `6 J* A( C  With a great many windows and doors,8 H+ D, ~9 w( y' A/ R
  There are stairs that go up, and stairs that go down,! U4 E' I% ~% |0 V
  And such beautiful, slippery floors.
0 W8 ?/ e; p% y7 O5 a+ J( h  But of all of the rooms, even mother's and mine,% ?* j4 q$ G9 b6 C: E' d
  And the bookroom, and parlour and all,  g( `2 W$ A9 i0 f1 b
  I like the green dining-room so much the best
( Z: r9 J1 W4 G  Because of its ceiling and wall.
6 ~8 g" r7 T' [( T3 y  Right over your head is a funny round hole) p2 q' y, @3 H# }% K. v: t
  With apples and pears falling through;
2 F( X+ z9 {+ O2 ]/ G  There's a big bunch of grapes all purply and sweet,
7 H1 z; k' ^+ X4 C% [$ L) F1 r1 i  And melons and pineapples too., c6 S6 I" }9 `6 p& R
  They tumble and tumble, but never come down9 J8 c% L) _% @8 e( ?
  Though I've stood underneath a long while
+ Z- ^' u0 S5 S  With my mouth open wide, for I always have hoped6 p" n  C- m# }# H& y9 S; t" j) C
  Just a cherry would drop from the pile." Q+ W) r! j$ Q) \, ?
  No matter how early I run there to look* s: ?! X' R/ K  M9 I* z: l
  It has always begun to fall through;( ]0 ^! J8 R7 t
  And one night when at bedtime I crept in to see,8 K9 f- I0 s$ D  m) q: m! z" }
  It was falling by candle-light too.
6 x- _8 T" [* q% r% H9 x  I am sure they are magical fruits, and each one7 r& [9 q$ r9 M& `" U) E
  Makes you hear things, or see things, or go
( E! M; B$ `( z% |4 j2 X  Forever invisible; but it's no use,2 L5 Q! ~' b$ [% V& D- Q& R- s
  And of course I shall just never know.0 B; o/ c0 c* M9 ^& n
  For the ladder's too heavy to lift, and the chairs
; q) j# |! o& l& \3 }3 j* m  Are not nearly so tall as I need.
' w; j( u5 I0 Y" F! d; C$ C* B3 `. \  I've given up hope, and I feel I shall die
( w7 A+ ?  k. n2 J& k* {  Without having accomplished the deed.
. h- y( J( h; ^/ e! ^  It's a little bit sad, when you seem very near
) v; z& z- U! l  To adventures and things of that sort,
% G4 Y4 e! r' d7 E( B( l  Which nearly begin, and then don't; and you know, y6 D2 n7 z' _& T( _: z
  It is only because you are short.
# p6 Q+ R, p( ^7 j' ?' T, w0 L7 M& O( {
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